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本文摘要:A heroic cat saved a young boy in California after he had been attacked by an aggressive dog。

A heroic cat saved a young boy in California after he had been attacked by an aggressive dog。在加利福尼亚,一只英勇的“猫骑士”勇斗恶狗,救出了被攻击的小主人。猫勇斗恶狗救回下小主人The boy, Jeremy, 4, was minding his own business in his family’s driveway when he was attacked by the dog. Within seconds, his cat, Tara, jumped in and body checked the dog away before chasing it around family’s car。当时4岁的小男孩杰里米正在自家的私人车道上自顾嬉戏,忽然被恶狗攻击。

几秒钟之内,他家的猫咪塔拉就跳跃了出来,用身体挡住了恶狗的咬,随后在主人家轿车旁追上恶狗把它赶走。“Tara is my hero,” Jeremy told ABC news。

杰里米告诉他ABC新闻录着说道,“塔拉是我的英雄。”“My cat defends my son during a vicious dog attack and runs the dog off before he can do additional damage. Thankfully, my son is fine!” Roger Triantafilo wrote on YouTube。杰里米的父亲罗杰把这段监控视频传遍了YouTube上,他这样写到:“我儿子被恶犬反击,我家的猫跳跃出来维护他,把恶犬赶走了。

谢天谢地儿子没有出有什么大事。”Jeremy’s mother, Erika Triantafilo was also in the front yard and appears in the video seconds after the cat has chased away the dog。

杰里米的妈妈埃里卡当时也在前院,猫咪把恶狗赶出后视频中经常出现了妈妈的身影。“I didn’t really even realize what had happened until after when my husband showed me the surveillance video,” Erika told ABC。

“当时我都没有意识到再次发生了什么,在丈夫给我看了监控视频之后我才明白过来。”埃里卡对ABC新闻的记者说。Despite how quickly the attack was warned off by the cat, Jeremy still had deep gashes and chunks of skin torn off. It was lucky he only needed stitches。


